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About Us


The Value System

About NIKSMS - Respect
We respect you, our colleagues and all the individuals who are around us. We smile you as our customers, you are right consistently. We respect our associates, our consultants, foremost, we respect ourselves. Respecting to everyone in every day is our mission.
Responsible and Responsive
About NIKSMS - Responsible and Responsive
We are responsible for all of our system processes such as all inputs, outputs and system results. We protect each other and you as our associates and our customers. We are responsive. We are responsible for everything that happens inside or margin of our business. We do not blame anyone anyway. We are responsible for all the cases in our organization as a result, everyone can count on us. We response to your needs and demands immediately.
Different and distinctive
About NIKSMS - Different and distinctive
We are interested in being different and always challenging conventional wisdom and always being innovative and creative.We are interested in being distinctive and being seen because of being different. If all of our opponents choose to move the right, we will move to the left. We believe that only a dead fish moves in the direction of the river stream.
Upgrading Knowledge and Insight
About NIKSMS - Knowledge and vision
We bring together the best and the last data, case studies and successful experiences of life and work from throughout the world, in order to accelerate the growth and success of our customers. We create the best attitude, insight and wisdom for you based on the last courses and experiences of the best companies, lectures and counselors. We facilitate your path to be better for you and your company.
Grateful and appreciative
About NIKSMS - Grateful and appreciative
We grateful God, you and ourselves for the beauty of life we experience. We are in touch with you because of God's will. We impact your life and this is the best feeling for our company and we absolutely appreciate this .We recognize ups and downs of our company like any other business. We highly grateful our relationship with our associates, our customers and our funders.
About NIKSMS - Teamwork
Each of us is ring of a chain. The strength of this chain depends on the weakest ring of the chain. We support each member in our team. We believe in the capabilities and potentials of each other. We know that we need a team to achieve a dream. We work in a group and under any circumstances ,we are together to reach our targets .